En el Foro de Battlefront han comentat les properes novetats en llibres per
FoW. Els textes en angles (al final) estan firmats per un director de
En poques paraules; podem dir que a principis de Novembre sortirà "Burning
Empires" llibre Early sobre les campanyes de Grècia, Creta i Síria. També
inclourà les forces especials (SAS, LRDG, Brandenburgers, etc) pel Early i
Durant desembre sortiran dos llibres recopilatoris del Front Oriental Late,
un per Alemanys i l´altre per Soviètics, del mateix estil dels que van
treure amb el D-Day. Listes antigues actualitzades i llistes noves.
Finalment i a partir de Març la campanya de les Ardenes ocupara uns quants
mesos, estan previstos tres llibres per aquesta campanya.
FoW. Els textes en angles (al final) estan firmats per un director de
En poques paraules; podem dir que a principis de Novembre sortirà "Burning
Empires" llibre Early sobre les campanyes de Grècia, Creta i Síria. També
inclourà les forces especials (SAS, LRDG, Brandenburgers, etc) pel Early i
Durant desembre sortiran dos llibres recopilatoris del Front Oriental Late,
un per Alemanys i l´altre per Soviètics, del mateix estil dels que van
treure amb el D-Day. Listes antigues actualitzades i llistes noves.
Finalment i a partir de Març la campanya de les Ardenes ocupara uns quants
mesos, estan previstos tres llibres per aquesta campanya.
1-Burning Empires, The Battle for The Mediterranean, is a 184 page hardback
book that includes:
The history of the Early War battles in Greece, Crete and Syria
Italian Briefing: Fucileri, Blackshirt and Alpini forces
Greek Briefings: Mechanised Battalion and Infantry Company
German Briefings: SS, Gebirgsjager, Fallschirmjager and Luftlandesturm
French Briefing: Infantry force playable as either pro-Axis Vichy or
pro-Allied Free French
Rules for Airborne Assaults
British, Italian, French, German and American Raiding and Garrison Forces
for Early and Mid War raiding battles
Four Raiding Missions and the Seize Outpost Mission, featuring the new
Desert Fort
Painint Guides and inspirational colour photographs
2-Two large books on the Eastern Front, one for the Reds (232pages) and one
of the Germans (264 pages). Bigger than D-Day books by almost 100 pages
combined. Same idea as D-Day comps with existing lists and new lists all
combined into the ultimate tome with some new models we did nto get to make
the first time round thrown in for good measure. Out as two seperate books a
few weeks before Christmas so no slipcase this year but no waiting for
single versions either.
A proper article with show and telll is out later in the month but the UK
guys at last weeks tournmanet got carried away and told people a little
early so no harm in sharing something this week.
3-The Bulge run of books was always planned to come after the desert and
with the compilations coming at the end of the year we are on track to do
Bulge as expected in 2012. Currently we have three books planned as well as
other addtions so next year Bulge gest the full treatment. As is always the
case we dont like to half do things but when we do get round to it everybody
sees why we take our time as the depth and quality of the work is at the end
of the day what we all want.